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categories > Other Scuba Equipment > Other-Scuba-Equipment-For-Sale > item # 2068407464

Ad #2068407464
Suunto D-9 Transmitter

Scuba Diving Trips Vacations
Asking Price: 200.00 Year Model: 2010
Sellers Username: Jbaratta
Location: Portland OR 97227 Condition of Item: Great
Phone: 503 919-0930 Shipping Terms: Buyer Pays
Ad Posted: Tue Feb 12, 03:37 PM Ad Expires: Runs Until Sold
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Seller Jbaratta assumes all responsibility for the listing and deleting of this ad.
Currency is U.S.
Scuba INSURANCE        Scuba SHIPPING        Scuba VACATIONS

I have four transmitters to sell. All have been used by me and my wife personally. All four have been sent to Suunto for the recall update. Two were used on our technical regulator set-ups and two were used on our recreational regulator set-ups. They were serviced with regular battery changes every two years. All are in good functioning order. All four have the new Suunto transmitter inserts and are connectable to the first stage directly. If you prefer to have a small hose connected between the transmitter and the first stage, I have the Suunto transmitter inserts for that option as well. Contact me for other questions.

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